The Dumbest Attempts To Cancel MrBeast

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The Dumbest Attempts to Cancel Mr Beast


In the era of cancel culture, no one seems to be safe from online backlash. Even the beloved Mr Beast, known for his philanthropy and entertaining videos, has faced a number of ridiculous attempts at cancellation. From trivial issues blown out of proportion to baseless accusations, these attempts serve as prime examples of the absurdity of cancel culture. In this article, we will explore the dumbest attempts to cancel Mr Beast and unpack the motivations behind each one.

The “Attack Helicopter” Meme

One of the earliest attempts to cancel Mr Beast stemmed from an image of a helicopter back in 2014. At the time, there was a popular meme where people jokingly identified as an “apache attack helicopter.” Mr Beast and his friend Chris decided to incorporate this meme into a video in 2016, where they playfully referred to themselves as a helicopter. Little did they know that this harmless joke would resurface years later and be labeled as transphobic. The entire claim was Based on a misunderstanding, as the joke was Never intended to offend or discriminate against anyone. It was simply a light-hearted meme that had no malicious intent.

The Squid Game Controversy

In November 2021, Mr Beast released a video based on the popular Show Squid Game. The video gained immense popularity, but it also attracted criticism from some individuals who believed that the money used in the production should have been donated to charity instead. While this argument may seem valid on the surface, it fails to consider the long-term impact of Mr Beast’s philanthropic efforts. The money invested in the video would ultimately generate more revenue, which could be used to help even more people in the future. Additionally, expecting Mr Beast to give away all the money without considering his vision and strategy is shortsighted and ignores the positive impact he has already made on many lives.

The Vegan Teacher’s Accusations

One of the most persistent voices attempting to cancel Mr Beast is the Vegan Teacher, who has consistently targeted various influencers in order to gain Attention. Her first video aimed at Mr Beast criticized him for spending $70,000 on a golden pizza instead of donating it to help solve world hunger. However, the Vegan Teacher failed to acknowledge Mr Beast’s extensive philanthropy work, including his efforts to feed the hungry and support charities. Her subsequent videos accused Mr Beast of promoting violence and animal abuse due to his food choices. However, these accusations lacked substance and failed to recognize Mr Beast’s right to make personal dietary choices.

Mr Beast’s Philanthropy

It’s important to note that Mr Beast is known for his tremendous philanthropic endeavors. His actions speak louder than any baseless accusations thrown his way. From feeding the hungry to supporting a food bank, Mr Beast has consistently used his platform to make a positive impact on the world. Rather than focusing on the trivial complaints of a few individuals, it is crucial to acknowledge the immense good that he has done and continues to do.

The Significance of Reality in Cancel Culture

One major flaw in cancel culture is its failure to consider reality. Many of the attempts to cancel Mr Beast ignore the practicality of his actions and instead focus on hypothetical scenarios. It is important to understand that the world is complex and not every decision can be reduced to a black-and-white moral judgment. By taking a step back and considering the real-world implications of his actions, it becomes clear that Mr Beast’s philanthropy is making a significant and positive difference.

The Flawed Argument of Charity Donations

One common argument made against Mr Beast is that he should donate all the money from his videos to charity. While charitable donations are admirable, this argument fails to acknowledge the bigger picture. Mr Beast’s videos are not only a source of entertainment but also a means to generate revenue for future philanthropic endeavors. By investing in his content, he can Continue to do more good over time. It is important to look beyond immediate donations and consider the long-term impact of his actions.

The Power of Personal Development

Another key aspect often overlooked in cancel culture is personal development. The individuals calling for Mr Beast’s cancellation may not have reached a point in their own lives where they are comfortable giving away substantial amounts of money. It takes significant personal growth to be able to give selflessly and effortlessly. Instead of criticizing and demanding action from others, it is more productive to focus on personal development and strive to make a positive impact in one’s own life and community.

PewDiePie’s Defense of Mr Beast

Even PewDiePie, one of the most influential figures on YouTube, came to Mr Beast’s defense during one of the cancellation attempts. PewDiePie highlighted the incredible amount of money Mr Beast donates and acknowledged the positive impact he has made through his philanthropy. He emphasized that Mr Beast’s actions speak for themselves and that he has done more to help others than many of his critics combined. PewDiePie’s support further demonstrates the baselessness and ineffectiveness of cancel culture in tarnishing Mr Beast’s reputation.

The Provocative Tactics of the Vegan Teacher

The Vegan Teacher’s attempts at canceling Mr Beast can be seen as part of a pattern of provocation and controversy-seeking. By deliberately framing influencers as anti-vegan, she generates attention for herself and her Channel. While her tactics may attract views, they often lack substance and fail to address the broader Context of her targets’ actions. It is important to recognize the difference between genuine concern for animals and using controversy for personal gain.

Mr Beast’s Middle Ground on Veganism

Despite the Vegan Teacher’s accusations, Mr Beast has never claimed to be a vegan or an animal rights activist. However, he has shown open-mindedness and has acknowledged the importance of veganism in certain situations. By not explicitly stating whether the food he consumes in his videos is vegan, he avoids setting unrealistic expectations and maintains a broader appeal to his diverse audience. This approach ensures that his content reaches the widest possible audience and has the greatest impact.

The Failure of Cancel Culture

Ultimately, all attempts to cancel Mr Beast have been futile. His bulletproof public image and masterful management of controversy have enabled him to withstand even the most baseless accusations. As demonstrated by the overwhelming support he receives from his fanbase, cancel culture is often nothing more than a fleeting trend that fails to tarnish the reputation of those who genuinely strive to do good. Mr Beast’s resilience and unwavering commitment to his mission continue to inspire and entertain millions, proving that cancel culture holds no power over those who remain true to themselves and their values.


Mr Beast, a popular YouTuber known for his philanthropy and entertaining videos, has faced numerous attempts at cancellation.
The “Attack Helicopter” joke resurfaced years later as transphobic, causing unnecessary backlash.

The criticism of the Squid Game video for not donating the money to charity fails to consider the long-term impact of Mr Beast’s philanthropy.
The Vegan Teacher’s accusations against Mr Beast lack substance and fail to acknowledge his extensive contributions to charity.
Mr Beast’s philanthropic efforts have made a significant and positive impact on the world.
Cancel culture often fails to consider the complexities of reality and personal growth.
Even influential figures like PewDiePie have defended Mr Beast against cancellation attempts.
The Vegan Teacher’s provocative tactics aim to generate attention, often without addressing the broader context.
Mr Beast’s approach to veganism acknowledges the importance of diversity in his audience while remaining open-minded to the ideals of veganism.
Cancel culture ultimately fails to tarnish the reputation of those who genuinely strive to do good.