How to grow garlic in water? A step-by-step guide
In the culinary world, garlic is a staple ingredient that is hard to do without. Cultivating it benefits many plants as it combats a plethora of pests. Isn’t it tempting to grow it at home to always have it on hand? Don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as you might think. Here, discover the fastest way to root garlic and enjoy its benefits.
How to Plant Garlic in Water?
Today, discover our guide on how to plant garlic in water and enjoy an endless supply at home – with minimal effort and added savings! You’ll find it’s a simple and quick trick. What will you need? A bulb of garlic, a plastic bottle, scissors, and water.
No green thumb? No worries, even beginners can get started easily. Just follow these 8 steps to the letter:
Step 1:
Get a clove of garlic. You can easily find it in your usual supermarket or from your greengrocer. Make sure the bulbs are large enough, fresh, and not too dry. This way, you can multiply them from their roots.
Step 2:
Make a slit in the top of the garlic bulb. Make sure to perform this operation with disinfected scissors or a knife. This will initiate the germination process to give birth to a new plant. Tip: cut the top part and not the center to help keep the garlic intact.
Step 3:
Take a small plastic bottle, cut off its neck with a sharp tool. This is where you’ll introduce the whole garlic bulb, keeping it curled up.
Step 4:
Fill the bottle with water and place the garlic bulb in it, root down and cut side up. Ensure the bottle’s water properly touches the bulb’s base, allowing the roots to develop optimally.
It’s important to keep this bottle in a well-lit location and exposed to morning sunlight.
Step 5:
This step is crucial as it pertains to root development. Over a few days, monitor the bulb’s changes, as this is when roots start growing in the bottle’s water. It’s essential to check the water’s condition. If it becomes dark or cloudy at any point, replace it immediately with clean water.
Step 6:
Over the days, the garlic bulb will grow upward and the roots downward, filling the bottle. You should notice abundant green growth. From there, you can start harvesting the roots for daily culinary needs.
Step 7:
Want more bulbs? Start a planting process. Separate the bulbs and clusters of cloves you want to plant and prepare a pot with good substrate.
Step 8:
Now, cultivate them as individual plants. Specifically, fill the pot, ensuring enough space for growth. Plant the garlic bulbs, ensuring they’re spaced apart.
Water them adequately (but not excessively!), and place them where they get ample sunlight.
And there you have it! One thing is certain; there’s nothing more satisfying than tasting food you’ve grown yourself.
Growing and Harvesting Garlic: Essential Tips and FAQs
General Information on Growing Garlic
Garlic tends to grow better in soil rich in organic matter.
The pot with garlic bulbs should be exposed to sunlight for at least 6 hours.
Key Point: Never let the soil dry out. Always keep the substrate moist but not excessively, or the garlic may rot.
When is the Best Time to Plant Garlic?
There are two periods in the year suitable for sowing garlic heads: October to November and January to March.
The soil or substrate should be light for effective drainage, ensuring water doesn’t stagnate.
How Long Does It Take to Grow Garlic?
Growing garlic requires patience! Expect around 8 to 9 months for a planted garlic clove to develop into a fully grown head ready for harvest.
When to Harvest Garlic?
The ideal time depends on several key criteria:
The number of green leaves on the plant. When over half the leaves are dry, the plant is considered mature.
Consider the size of the specific garlic cloves based on the variety being cultivated.
Reminder: A sunny day without impending rainfall is perfect for harvesting garlic heads. Once harvested, bulbs should be kept in the shade or dried for 7 to 10 days. Dry leaves should be cleaned off, and the roots trimmed (leaving a quarter on the bulb).
1. When should garlic be planted in winter?
Always aim to plant your garlic just before the year’s first frost, but not right before a significant freeze. Since garlic doesn’t tolerate extreme heat, it’s better to plant it as temperatures start cooling. Typically, the best time in winter is between September and November.
2. When is the best time to sow garlic?
This plant requires minimal moisture and is easy to maintain. There are two ideal planting seasons: October to November and January to March. Over time, you’ll see the leaves grow. As for the lunar calendar, some beliefs suggest that the rising or setting moon influences plant growth. The recommendation is to plant during the waning moon for better quality, while harvesting during the waxing moon is believed to produce stronger, more vibrant plants with increased disease resistance. However, the climate isn’t that crucial even though garlic is a drought-tolerant plant. On the other hand, colder conditions make the garlic spicier, enhancing its flavor.
3. What are the watering conditions?
In winter, watering garlic is often unnecessary because cold seasons naturally maintain good soil moisture, and it’s usually marked by significant rainfall. However, during dry winters or springs, occasional watering is advised, especially during prolonged dry spells. The soil should always be moistened but never overwatered, as the bulb may rot. Generally, garlic is resilient to pests and diseases, although some larvae might sometimes attack the bulb. To prevent such issues, preventive treatments can be initiated from mid-April or even the end of the month when temperatures mellow and humidity increases.