QUEEN ELIZABETH II is said to have a close relationship with her grandson Prince Harry, however, one of the Duke of Sussex’ choices reportedly led to resentment from the monarch.

The Queen and Prince Harry’s relationship has always appeared strong and the Duke of Sussex has frequently been heard speaking highly of the monarch, who he refers to as “granny”. However, there is one choice the husband of Meghan Markle made, and it did not go down well with the Queen an expert has claimed. According to royal author Katie Nicholl, the Queen does not care for Prince Harry’s facial hair.

The 34-year-old Prince started sporting his beard when he was abroad on military duties and ever since, his facial hair stuck.

And although Prince Harry seems to be a big fan of his new look, the Queen is said to disapprove.

Ms Nicholl revealed in her 2017 biography Harry: Life, Loss, and Love, that Queen Elizabeth II believes men should be “clean-shaven”.

She also wrote about the “health overhaul” that Harry was inspired to undertake after meeting his wife, the Duchess of Sussex.

Queen Elizabeth II shock

Ms Nicholl said: “Harry looked fitter than he had in years.”

However, she also noted that the prince “was still sporting the beard he had grown while in the military” and revealed that royal aides told her “the Queen disliked it”.

A royal insider has previously spoken to Hello! Magazine about the Queen’s resentment of Prince Harry’s appearance.

The source said: “The rest of the family liked it and were taking the mickey, especially his cousin Zara who dubbed him Prince Hairy

.Queen Elizabeth II shock

“But the Queen soon let her displeasure be known.

“She doesn’t mind royal men growing beards when they are away in the armed forces or out in the wild like Harry was in the Antarctic, but she expects them to be clean-shaven when they get home.”

Harry left the Army in 2015 after having started his military training in 2005.

But despite not being in the military anymore, the beard has stayed.

Queen Elizabeth II shock

Even during Prince Harry’s marriage to Meghan Markle in May 2018, the father-of-one famously sported the cropped stubble for his big day.

And that might have not gone down well with the Queen, who had the right to decide what her grandson would wear at the wedding.

According to InStyle, Prince Harry said of his wedding outfit: “I chose the frock coat as a uniform, with permission from my grandmother, because I think it’s one of the smartest Household Cavalry uniforms.

“It’s one of my favourites, and I was very fortunate to be able to wear that on the day.”