King Charles is hopeful the two can settle their differences

Prince William and Prince Harry

Prince William and Prince Harry

It doesn’t look as though Prince William and Harry are any closer to ending their bitter feud, even though their father, King Charles, is hopeful.

According to a royal expert, there are some hurdles the two must overcome if they are to ever get back on speaking terms.

The two have been on rocky ground since Harry and his wife Meghan Markle decided to skip out on working royal life back in 2020, while William is in line to become the next king.

Their relationship wasn’t helped by the fact that during a primetime interview with Oprah in 2021, Harry and Meghan accused an unnamed royal – later changed to two royals – of making a racist comment about the skin color of son Prince Archie before his birth.

Further allegations arose in their Netflix documentary and Harry’s memoir ‘Spare’, like Harry claiming Williamphysically attacked him, and jealousies between Meghan and Kate Middleton.

Harry and William have unresolved issues

According to royal author and expert Tom Quinn, the two must resolve a variety of issues if they are to get back on the same page.

“The feud between Harry and William isn’t just down to the fact that their wives don’t get on. It also has a lot to do with their dysfunctional, strife-torn childhoods and Harry’s obsession with being an also-ran,” Quinn said.

“As children, they spent one weekend with their mother Diana going to McDonald’s and wearing baseball caps, and the following weekend with their father shooting pheasants and wearing tweed trousers.

“Their parents were split, their lives were split, and being split is all they know. Harry has also always resented the fact that his mother Diana relied almost too much on William for advice and comfort – Harry felt left out even back then.

Diana referred to William as ‘my little wise old man’ a revealing remark that suggests that she treated him far too much as if he was a friend and confidant, rather than a child. Harry felt left out. It was always likely the brothers would fall out because of these early jealousies, the pressure of the outside world, Harry’s obsession with being second best, and the final nail in the coffin – their very different wives.

Harry and William might have been able to patch up their own differences but they feel they have to back their wives so any attempts to patch things up become impossibly difficult.”

Hope for the future?

Nevertheless, comments from Harry suggests the relationship can be mended.

“Currently, no. But I look forward to… I look forward to us being able to find peace,” Harry said during an interview on ’60 Minutes’ when asked if he currently speaks with William.

When pressed on how long it had been, Harry said it had been “a while.”

As for CharlesHarry told ITV in January 2023 that the King pleaded with his sons during a tense meeting following the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh: “Please, boys. Don’t make my final years a misery.”